Il thé dell’amicizia

Scuola di Italiano amico all’orto aperto

vuoi fare amicizia con altre famiglie della scuola e imparare l’italiano?
ti piacerebbe sederti all’aperto, nell’orto della scuola, e condividere un thé e una merenda?
vieni a conoscere l’associazione ANITA, che è fatta da famiglie e volontari...
con una mediatrice culturale (Naj) e un’insegnante di lingua (Elena) potrete imparare l’italiano, e intanto i bambini e le bambine potranno giocare con altri bambini, all’orto, insieme a un’altra mamma (Valentina) e altre socie e volontarie.
Lo spazio e il corso sono gratuiti!
Puoi iscriverti ad ANITA (l’iscrizione per un anno, che copre anche l’assicurazione, costa 10 euro, ma se hai difficoltà economiche possiamo trovare una soluzione!). Solo le persone adulte devono avere l’assicurazione. Tutti i bambini e tutte le bambine sono benvenuti gratuitamente!
Puoi invitare anche altre tue amiche... ANITA e la scuola saranno felici di accoglierti.

Dove ci vediamo?

Sul portone di via Mondovì 14... appena finiscono di uscire le classi.

Cosa serve per entrare all’orto?

  • -  aver voglia di condividere

  • -  avere la mascherina

  • -  avere il green pass (se non ce l’hai, possiamo incontrarci all’aperto, al portone)

    Quando sono gli incontri di “scuola di Italiano amico – orto aperto”?

    Tutti i venerdì, dal 14 gennaio, dalle 16.30 alle 17.30

    Puoi venire anche altri giorni?

    Sì, sempre, dalle 16.30 alle 18.30, quando è aperto l’orto della scuola. Ci sono vari corsi e iniziative: danza, pittura, scoperta della natura, gioco all’aperto...
    Anche tu puoi diventare volontaria/o...


Via Mondovì 16 – 00183 ROMA 1 C.F. 97742910587

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Roma, 13 gennaio 2022

A.N.I.TA. Garibaldi A.P.S.

Associazione Nuove Idee per un Territorio Aperto alla scuola Garibaldi A.P.S." alt="page2image10837728" width="107.999980" height="69.960100" />

ব"# ে%র চা ( Friendship tea ) !খালা বাগােন ইতািলয়ান -. েলর ব0.

আপিন িক -. েল অন9ান9 পিরবােরর সােথ ব0. ; করেত চান এবং ইতালীয় ভাষা িশখেত চান?
আপিন িক বাইের -. েলর বাগােন বেস চা এবং জলখাবার ভাগ করেত চান?
পিরবার এবং !C ােসবকেদর িনেয় গFত ANITA অ9ােসািসেয়শেনর সােথ পিরিচত হন...
একজন সাং-H িতক মধ9Kতাকারী (Nay) এবং একজন ভাষা িশLক (Elena) এর সােথ আপিন ইতালীয় ভাষা িশখেত পােরন, এবং এর মেধ9 !ছেল এবং !মেয়রা অন9 বা ােদর সােথ, বাগােন, একসােথ অন9 মা (ভ9ােলOনা) এবং অন9ান9 সদস9 এবং !C ােসবকেদর সােথ !খলেত পাের।
Kান এবং !কাসP িবনামূেল9!
আপিন ANITA এর সােথ িনব0ন করেত পােরন (এক বছেরর জন9 িনব0ন, যা বীমা কভার কের, 10 ইউেরা খরচ কের, তেব আপনার যিদ আTথক সমস9া থােক তেব আমরা একV সমাধান খ.ঁেজ !পেত পাির!) Xধ.মাY 3াZবয়-েদর বীমা থাকেত হেব। সম[ !ছেল এবং !মেয় িবনামূেল9 Cাগত জানাই!
আপিন আপনার অন9ান9 ব0. েদরও আমTণ জানােত পােরন... ANITA এবং -. ল আপনােক Cাগত জানােত !পের খ.িশ হেব।

আমরা +কাথায় +দখা করব?
Mondovì 14 এর দরজায় ... _াস !শষ হওয়ার সােথ সােথ।

বাগােন 3েবশ করার িক িক দরকার?
- একসােথ থাকার ই া and share
- একটা মা- পরা 3েয়াজন
- green pass (যিদ আপনার কােছ না থােক, আমরা বাইের, দরজায় !দখা করেত পাির)

"ইতালীয়-.লব0. -!খালাবাগান"এরিমVংকখনহয়?
3িত Xaবার, 14 জানুয়ারী !থেক, িবকাল 4.30 টা !থেক 5.30 টা পযPb

অন7 িদেনও আসেত পারেব?
হঁ9া, সবসময়, 16.30 !থেক 18.30 পযPb, যখন -. েলর বাগান !খালা থােক। িবিভc !কাসP এবং উেদ9াগ রেয়েছ: নৃত9, িচYকলা, 3কH িতর আিবeার, আউটেডার !খলা ...
আপিনও হেত পােরন একজন !C ােসবক...

Via Mondovì 16 – 00183 ROMA 2 C.F. 97742910587

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A.N.I.TA. Garibaldi A.P.S.

Associazione Nuove Idee per un Territorio Aperto alla scuola Garibaldi A.P.S." alt="page3image10775520" width="107.999980" height="69.960100" />

Friendship tea

Italian language courses, your friend in the open garden


do you want to make friends with other families at the school and learn Italian? Would you like to sit outside, in the school garden, and share a tea and a snack? Discover the association ANITA, which is made up of families and volunteers ... with a cultural mediator (Naj) and a language teacher (Elena) you can learn Italian, and in the meantime the children can play together in the garden with another mother (Valentina) and other members and volunteers.

The space and the course are free!
You can register with ANITA (one year registration that covers also insurance for 10 euros, but if you have financial difficulties we can find a solution!). Only adults must have insurance. All boys and girls are welcome free of charge!
You can also invite your friends... ANITA and the school will be happy to welcome you.

Where do we meet?

The school entrance at via Mondovì 14 ... immediately after the classes finish.

What do you need to enter the garden?

- the wish to share
- a mask
- green pass (if you don’t have it, we can meet outside at the entrance)

When will the meetings “Italian language courses, your friend in the open garden” take place?
Every Friday, starting January 14, from 4.30pm to 5.30pm

Can you come on other days also?

Yes, always, from 16.30 to 18.30, when the school garden is open. There are various courses and initiatives: dance, painting, discovering nature, outdoor play ...
You too can become a volunteer ...


Via Mondovì 16 – 00183 ROMA 3 C.F. 97742910587

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